Isma's Struggle
One part of the novel that didn’t strike me at first, but struck me after rereading was when Isma was being interrogated before her flight. The situation that caught my eye was when the interrogator stated,” This isn’t yours… It’s too nice for someone like you”(Shamsie 3). When Isma was being questioned, she responded and was forced to explain that she was the manager of the dry cleaning shop. The interrogator is surprised that Isma went from the manager of a dry cleaning store to a PhD in sociology. Another situation that sparked my interest was when the male interrogator was pushing Isma to state if she considers herself British. She quickly responds,” I am British”(Shamsie 5). After Isma confidently responded, she was interrogated for two more hours. In order for Isma to pass the interrogation, she was forced to confine her answers to match the ideal answers from the interrogator. Isma’s interrogation symbolizes how people of color, especially Muslims are qu...