Grenville Research Excursions

     The first research excursion I viewed was Bella’s research excursion focused on the Aboriginal Experiences and Struggles Today. I appreciate how Bella started off her first paragraph with a short introduction of The Secret River in order to lead to her research excursion topic. Bella’s explanation of assimilation was very clear. It was interesting to learn that when “White Australia'' first emerged, it sought for a, “ ethnically homogeneous nation.” It is insane to continue learning about this subject and how much they wanted the Aboriginals to be completely gone. They did not have any concern for their lives which is very disturbing. I appreciated Bella’s inclusion of the word “ half castes” because learning that they were seen as superior to “full bloods” was something I did not know. Overall, Bella’s research excursion developed my understanding of the Aboriginal experiences and struggles today, and I appreciated all of the topics she covered. The next research excursion I viewed was Kris’ research excursion on the Bloody Code’s history. I appreciated Kris’ chronological explanation of the Bloody Code, starting out with how it came to be. Personally, the structure of his essay was very easy to read and understand as well as the engaging information he presented. I enjoyed learning about the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and the history involved with that revolution. Kris’ inclusion of a journal article was also very interesting as the information presented was very useful to the topic as it stated the reign of William of Orange “gave a  parliamentary basis to the monarchy.” This quote was very helpful and led to my understanding of how The British Law primarily saw the royalty as the most influential party to lawmaking. Both of these research excursions were very fun to read and they both gave me a larger understanding of the topics. 


  1. I also viewed Bella's research excursion. I found it really interesting to read how she connected the Australian government's policy of assimilation to the current day experiences of Aboriginal people. Like you say, her project really helped me better understand the Aboriginal experience.

    1. It's especially valuable when this research helps us to connect the past with the present. It really makes you appreciate how much harder it is to understand the complexity of current events without understanding the history of how we got here.


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